07722 543 528 helen@heds.org.uk


Bespoke training

HE Dyslexia Solutions aims to raise awareness of the needs of individuals who have Specific Learning Difficulties within schools and workplaces, through training and consultancy.

Bespoke training courses can be delivered to meet the requirements of the school or workplace, with consultancy being offered on an hourly, half day or daily basis.

Topics include

What is dyslexia / dyspraxia / dyscalculia?
An introduction to specific learning difficulties (SpLD) and the impact they can have on everyday life.

Identifying the dyslexic / dyspraxic / dyscalculic child / adult.
Signs and symptoms of specific learning difficulties and how to spot them.
What to do if you suspect a child / adult has a SpLD.

Managing specific learning difficulties in the classroom or workplace.
You know a student / employee has a specific learning difficulty – what now?
Practical suggestions, strategies and techniques for supporting individuals with SpLD.

Tips and strategies for Learning Support Assistants.
A specifically tailored session for Learning Support Assistants to support their pupils with specific learning difficulties.

Understanding and using assessment reports.
Received an assessment report but don’t understand it? This practical workshop goes through the assessment process and helps you to interpret and understand test scores and reports.

…got other training needs?  Just ask!

HE Dyslexia Solutions

Telephone:  07722 543 528

Email:  helen@heds.org.uk